Monthly Archives: August 2023

Alternative camera Angles

Exposure: 1/12 sec, F: 5.6, ISO: 1600
Exposure: 1/5sec, F:13, ISO:1600
Exposure: 1/6 sec, F: 14, ISO: 1600

Exposure: 1/30 sec, F: 5.6, ISO: 1600

ThPhotography Tips: Working with Angles - Hamstech Blog

There are lots of aspects that make a photograph good or interesting to look at. Of course, there are the obvious factors such as the target, the clarity, and the scenario. But similar to the rule of thirds the angle at which you shoot an image matter. The rule of thirds is a rule that states the image is more appealing when the target isn’t necessarily at the center of the photograph. For some reason, photos are slightly more captivating when the target is coming from a direction of the picture. For example, a leaf coming from the right top corner would be more interesting than a leaf centered around the middle of the photograph. In a very similar fashion, angles play a large role in the image. Depending on where you shoot the photo and how can mean a world of difference. The angle could make a small object look big. The angle could make a big object seem small. The angle could also affect how real the image looks and sometimes even make it look unreal. In this image for example is a building and a plane. The angle at which this was taken shows the plane centered directly on middle of the tower. The plane seems to be headed right for it. The angle also makes the building seem a lot smaller than it actually is. To some extent the building even looks fake. Sort of looks like a scenario you’d envision in a dream. It has this aspect to it that makes it feel as though they’re something small like little toy buildings and planes. What’s more the angle at which the building was taken a picture of blocks the sun, brightening the available background in a light blue with clouds here and there. Out of all the pictures this was most appealing. That is why I chose it.


Surrealism graphic images

surreal images – Bing images

There are many things that make an image appealing. Angles, the target, the background, lighting, clarity, scenario, etc. One thing that truly attracts the human eye is the unnatural. As naturally curious creatures we can’t help but look at the unknown with wonder if not fear. Seeing an alien in person, would likely instill fear more than anything, how about an image; nothing but fascination. What would make an Alien so fascinating? How about the fact its so mysterious and unknown, something surreal. Surrealism is the artistic idea of something seemingly unreal. A weird image that’s strange, or something completely difficult to understand.

The image above is a humanoid figure out of plants, holding the world in is palm. Off the bat its unreal, something never seen. The background a beautiful field on a grey day, seemingly on farm like property. The humanoid figure a beautiful figure covered in delicate flowers and leaves. Most importantly the planet earth in the palm of its hand, the bottom appearing to be withering away. This image could mean so many things. A higher power, a god, nature consuming earth, plants keep us alive, or perhaps it has no meaning at all. The thing about surreal images, is there likely is no answer. It’s you, the unrealistic art, and your imagination.


Shadows and Light

Camera setting: Auto
Camera setting: Auto

Skyline High School Digital Photography I: Shadow Pictures Project Ideas

shadow photography – Bing images

In this image we have the subject doing a handstand on a moist looking surface, appearing to me a wet soil area with hills of the same substance in the background. The image doesn’t solely consist of the shadow but the source as well as the sun. Any image with the shadow is appealing to the eye because you have to wonder who’s behind it and what they’re doing. That adds a sort of mysterious curiosity to the image. However, in this case everything is in visible sight, so the same effect isn’t present. Despite that the pose she is performing in and of its own is an impressive feature to capture, what makes the image all the more appealing is the shadow present along with the setting. The beautiful sunset with cloudy skies, the moist ground which’s texture you can almost feel through the scree, and the background mountains and hills. Most out of everything however is the shadow reflecting off of the ground. It looks as though two people are soaring towards one another across some kind of portal. The image because of the shadow looks almost mystical. Like something out of movie. The shadow puts the image together in an inexplicable way. Something as simple as a shadow can create an image that comes to life.


Exposure: 1/60sec; f/25; ISO/400; manual          

Exposure: 1/60sec; f/25; ISO/400; manual

Exposure: 1/60 sec; f/9; ISO/400; manual
Free HD iPhone wallpaper download, HD iPod wallpaper free download, Retina HD wallpaper download texture – Bing images

This image is a perfect depiction of a detailed image. We’ve all seen rain and understand what an incredibly small size a droplet of it is. What about drops of condensation on leaves and other objects. This image shows a leaf with a couple droplets of water, some rolling down and others in a perfect droplet shape. Adding on to it background making the leaf further pop out and the droplets seem even more detailed. Their crystal-clear color captured perfectly with slight reflections of its surroundings. Then the leaf is also coming from a corner of the image and isn’t centered, bringing a weird sort of attraction to its positioning.

In Fontana Ca currently is issued a heavy tropical storm warning. Rain isn’t typically something one considers  dreadful. On the contrary aside from annoyance people usually find rain to be beautiful. A Saturday morning after a hot day you wake up to a cool, grey sky with soothing sounds, and a peculiarly beautiful sight. In the same way a book creates an image in your mind or has you relive something. This images is fairly simple but its clearness is equivalent to the eye. its as though you can smell and feel the image.

About Exposure

Photography in Greek is painting with light. The most important aspect and factor in photography is light. Aperture which is basically the size of the hole in the lens; has to do with the amount of light a camera takes in. Its purpose allowing for better focus regardless of the obscuring light or the squint causing dimness. The shutter speed focus on the speed at which the door that lets light in opens and closes. If you’re in a bright setting, you’d want your speed to be greater so that too much light doesn’t go in. Like wise in a darker setting, you’d want to give it time for more light to come in. In definition aperture controls the amount. Shutter speed the time. Ios the sensitivity. The shutter speed for example the faster, the closer and perhaps faster the target of shooting, and the slower the further away and perhaps more called atmosphere. A wide aperture allows for the object of target, close up, to be captured with a blurred background. And a smaller aperture would allow for a photo of a beautiful landscape or a photo requiring further distance and capturing the background. ISO, which is the sensitivity, is messed with less of the three because often the lower settings are preferred for most images. It’s often changed when the desired image quality can’t be achieved solely with the aperture and shutter speed.

All images by Camera Exposure: Aperture, ISO & Shutter Speed (