Monthly Archives: November 2023

Alphabet photography

Critique prompt: Valuable things learned so far in photography: So far of course the most important thing of all is learning how to generally operate a camera. It’s never a con to learn new skills, operating a camera can be incredibly beneficial, in the least important way, it’s now a skill you have, in the most important, it’s now your source of income every year. The runner up which is almost if not completely on par with the first is learning how to use photoshop. It’s an incredibly useful app that can be used to alter images by doing all kinds of cool things with them. Photoshop could potentially become a career or a very important skill to have for marketers for example. What’s more appealing than a bizarre advertisement. Learning about different images can also become a potentially useful tool in your plate later on in life.

Career Tree

  1. I am most interested in the professional photography careers.
  2. Advertising marketing for example is responsible for bringing costumers or awareness towards something. Let’s say for example an anti-drug program. The advertising marketers’ job is to create an advertisement that attracts support for the program and discourages the use of drugs. Their main responsibility would be to successfully attract their targeted audience.
  3. The average salary for an advertising marketer is $86,459.
  4. The salary is definitely one of the most attractive parts about the field however one of the other main things is the fact that this job allows for passion. Not only in supporting subjects or products that you can be passionate about but the act of taking photographs itself allows for an actually interesting job.
  5. In order to get a job in something like advertising marketing, you’d require a minimum of a college diploma, or a university diploma having gone into fields like communications, public relations, or journalism. You need to have strong communication, writing, and creativity skills. you need to be able to manage a schedule, work well under the pressure of multiple assignments, and of course photographic skill.