Motion Blur

Exposure: N/A

Exposure: N/A

Exposure: N/A

Exposure: N/A

Almost opposite to regular photography, the idea is to blur the target instead of capturing it clearly. The idea for this version of art, is a fast-moving object. The best mode for shooting action would be the TV mode. This allows for the aperture to automatically set itself and the main important function, the shutter speed, to be in manual control for a controlled blurred effect. The faster the shutter speed the stiller your target. The longer you leave the shutter open for, lets say 1/60 of a second as opposed to 1/1000 it allows for much more of the action which results in blur to be captured.

If you place the camera at a shutter speed that’s to low however like let’s, say half of a second, it’d blur to a point of almost disappearance and with blur photography you’d like for your target to still be recognizable. Another factor that effects the requirement of your shutter speed is how fast the target is moving, or how violently its moving. Lets say a car as apposed to a runner. The runner would require a much slower shutter speed than the car would in order to capture a perfect blur.

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