Beginner tips

First when choosing what mode to shoot with for photos it’s in between automatic, TV, AV, or manual. Automatic takes the passion from shooting and isn’t ideal for learning. Manual allows for you to mess with all the settings however you please, the main components for shooting would be aperture: the width of the camera shot (wider allows for more light to enter therefor a brighter picture) the shutter speed: the speed at which the camera opens to take the picture (the faster the camera clicks the less light that can get in), and ISO which is basically overall sensitivity. AV prioritizes the aperture so you can set the shutter speed manually again taking from the fun and most of the learning process, and TV prioritizing shutter speed, making the aperture the setting you can alter. Automatic does everything by itself so that all you do is press a button. Then there’s the number of pictures you want to take, a timer and other similar simple features. The most helpful thing is setting your ISO correctly because it’ll make every other setting easier to change. If there’s less light, you’d want the ISO higher. If there’s more light, like outside for example you’d want it low, at around 200. In doors at around 1600. Once you’ve set the ISO at an appropriate range, tweaking the shutter speed and aperture is much less complicated. Another thing to keep in mind is the cameras speed cannot go below 1/60th of a second while being handheld, this is because the camera isn’t still enough and captures shaking. Anything requiring below 1/60th requires usage of a tripod.

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