Favorite teacher with Flash

Being a teacher isn’t exactly something a student can comment on. Its fairly easy to judge others based on fairly simple and external factors. Its not common a student gets to experience what its like being a teacher. The rather early morning rise, 8 hours of work, remembering around 100 students names, working after school, working at home, and working weekends. Often times we underestimate how difficult it could be for a teacher. Which is why its important to treat elders on campus with respect.

Teachers work just as hard sometimes harder than students. Teachers with bright energy despite this are the most incredible. Personal life can at times meddle with daily responsibilities and this gets to absolutely everyone without exception. Mrs. Cauchon and other teachers for example always have an immensely friendly and agreeable tone when they speak with others. That allows for them to create good relationships with their pupils which makes their days far less grueling as well as ours.

I heavily admire Mrs. Cauchons personality. Another quality on par with that is her passion for what she teaches. Lots of people who become teachers do so initially thinking it would be simple and would allow them to earn without working much. However many can attest that, doing something your not actually interested, every day of your life, would likely quickly become unbearable. Something that makes Mrs. Cauchon so special is her genuine passion for photography. She’s extremely knowledged and proficient in it, you don’t often stop to consider how skill full someone like that is.

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